Monday, November 19, 2012

Paper Mario: Sticker Star -- Surfshine Harbor

There's no where else to go but north. We still can't leave from Surfshine Harbor because the boat is missing its helm. There's only one place where it could be: somewhere in the dark of the middle warehouse. Fortunately, we have a sticker that can take care of that problem: the Lightbulb. It illuminates the room, revealing a sleeping Toad and the Ship's Wheel. Apparently, the Toad came down to look for something and the light went out. Go to the docks and enter the boat's cabin to replace the wheel. We're all set to go! Tell the Blue Toad when you want to shove off.

We try, but we're not going anywhere. He probably didn't cast off the ropes tying the boat to the dock. That's what the Scissors sticker is for. Get off the boat and go back around the crates to the bow of the boat and place the sticker. Now we can go places.

The boat shoves off and soon, a fin appears from the water. A giant Cheep-Cheep leaps over the boat. The captain is cocerned that it's too dangerous to sail these waters. We're still at the dock, so we approach the Cheep-Cheep. The Toad at the end of the dock mentions it might be a good idea to have a hook for this guy, so get one if you don't have one already.

We start the battle with a Battle Spin. It's the Big Cheep-Cheep, with 88 HP. It will bounce on you, hop in to the water to fully heal, and shoot water at you. You can use the Fishhook to get it out of the water, where it will increase in size. It will stay on land, so attack it until you defeat it. Now we can go. The Toad Captain says the giant Cheep-Cheep terrified him, so he's staying on dry land. We are now captain!

We can now go to the next three worlds: World 4, a snow area, World 5, a jungle, and World 6, a volcano. I'm going to World 4 first.

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